Thursday, July 15, 2010


Man Fly Bee
(2010 - A4)

Tribal dance with a broken wrist
(2010 - A4)

That Mouth
(2010 - A4)

Gaaah Fighter
(2010 - A4)

Football Angel and Underwater Don King
(2010 - A4)

(2010 - A5)

Afternoon Pub Read
(2010 - A5)

Chineese Grandma For My Girlfriend
(2010 - Post-it size)

That Creepy Guy
(2010 - A5)

This pic is inspired by that really weird
alien cancer patient looking guy
from the GJ Gardner ads on Tv..

1 comment:

  1. Another follower of the Gospel of the Creepy GJ Gardner guy! Welcome.
